
Business Cards

For handing out to patients, we provide Business Cards with our Website Address. As a BGS members you can order free packs of 75 cards here.

Patient Information Booklets

Booklets with a summary of the “Information for Patients” section of this website are available in Dutch or French. One can order free copies here.

Prints demonstrating the subjective perception of glaucomatous visual field defects

BGS members can order free copies of plastic-coated high quality prints in A4 format here, for daily use in clinical practice. The prints are double-sided, Dutch version on one side, French version on the other. Click on the PDF-file at the right hand side for the science behind the prints. Non-members pay 10 euros per copy.

Posters for making the public aware of glaucoma

Our posters are printed in A2 format and are double-sided, Dutch version on one side and French version on the other. BGS members can order free copies here.

Posters on the definition of an absolute scotoma in the central visual field for driver licenses